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Exceptional Service

I became an insurance agent after my son’s mother passed away from cancer. Having the right life insurance coverage, has brought my son and myself an huge piece of mind.

From elementary school teacher to insurance agent, I decided to focus on educating people about the importance of being properly insured and not run the risk of putting their families and businesses in danger.

I want to teach people that being insured is a priority and responsibilty, not an expense.

I want to promote the idea that being insured is everyone’s right, regardless of their social background.

My passion is to build a better community of well informed people.

My name is Joswal Pascasio and I am looking forwarding to helping and educating you on the importance of insurance.

Joswal Pascasio

Pascasio Brokerage offers free, comparative quotes on auto insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate.

Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out.

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